
here you can share ideas for my blog or just things about you

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5 thoughts on “share

  1. Hi Kaylee I love the header on your blog. Your blog is really cool. I love the colors. I found your share section and really liked it

    • Dear Jenny,
      Thank you for commenting on my blog! I am glad you like the share section. My teacher Mr.Avery actually designed the header.

  2. Dear Kaylee,

    I found this really cool thing to put that you can put your blog!!
    To get to it first go to my blog then on the left side where the widgets are click on the one that is like a question poll , at the bottom it will say powered by blogpoll click on that.
    This way you can ask your viewers what their favorite flower or anything that your doing. You write your questions, choose the color , the answers you want them to chose from.
    Then when your done it will give you a code right click on that, that will copy it , then go to the post that you want and paste it.
    Also I was wondering If I could put your link on my blog?

    • sorry its right click on it then go to copy
      then if you want to put it on the post , right click again then go to paste and it will give you a code it will turninto that post once you post it

  3. Dear Kaylee,

    Your blog is awesome!I have an edublog too! Your blog is so cool, so it deserves it’s name! Could you visit my blog? I have no comments or anything, so it would be cool if you’d check it out! Thanks! Here it is www.


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